Lavender and Menaces
The clothed lesbian body as a tool of resistance, the sapphic significance of purple, and the making of the modern-day femme
Du Maurier’s Rebecca and Queer Culture
Why has Rebecca always had a reputation as a queer novel? Generations of gay men have declaimed the first line, spoken by Joan Fontaine in the 1940 film: ‘Last night […]
We want your books
Lavender Menace’s queer books archive is growing. We are cataloguing several recent donations, including one from LGBT Health and Wellbeing, and making some exciting finds. We’re always looking for out […]
Rebecca by Daphine du Maurier
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.Gollancz, 1938; Virago (present publisher). Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again… Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier’s best known novel, has never been out of […]