Lavender Menace

Queer Books Archive


Volunteers are key to everything we do here at Lavender Menace Queer Books Archive. 

When we first opened the archive in 2022, our volunteers helped us to build bookshelves, fundraise, post on social media, shelve donations, and build a cataloguing system.

Since then, volunteers have remained vital to our work. We are lucky to have an incredible team who support us by:

  • Welcoming visitors to the archive
  • Shelving donations in the physical archive
  • Researching best practice in book conservation
  • Building the digital catalogue
  • Supporting events and book groups
  • Filming and editing videos of our events
  • Writing articles and blog posts

Thank you to all of our volunteers, past and present. We couldn’t do this without you!

It’s really important to us that volunteering is an enriching and rewarding experience, and we’re delighted that joining The Menaces has allowed our volunteers to find community.

Volunteering has been a lovely way to feel connected to the queer community. I’ve met loads of wonderful people, and it’s been really special to spend time with gay and lesbian folks who are older than me, and to learn more about what it was like being LGBTQ in the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Lavender Menace volunteer

Become a volunteer

At the moment we are not currently recruiting volunteers as we are at full capacity! However, we are keeping a list of people who are interested in volunteering. If you’d like to volunteer in future we would love to hear from you, please get in touch and we will contact you when we are able to take on new volunteers!

Lavender Menace volunteers in the archive, holding handmade shelf dividers
Volunteers in the archive holding handmade shelf dividers
Volunteers handling documents and typing on computers
Volunteers handling physical and digital documents
Lavender Menace volunteers building bookshelves
Volunteers building bookshelves
Lavender Menace volunteers stand outside the Edinburgh Palette building
Volunteers building community

Become a Menace!

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