Queer Books Archive
Disathairne 1mh an Ogmhìos – Lus na Tùise – 3f-5f
Bithibh còmhla ri Marcas Mac an Tuairneir, bàrd, seinneadair is neach-breithneachaidh, airson còmhradh le Mia Suhaimi fad feasgar de leughadh rogha dhàn a chòig co-chruinneachaidhean, cho math ri cnuasachadh litreachas cuèir na Gàidhlig, nar tasglann-chuèir failteachail.
Saturday 1st June – Lus na Tùise – 3pm-5pm
Join poet, singer and critic Marcas Mac an Tuairneir in conversation with Mia Suhaimi for an afternoon reading of selected poems from his five collections, and discussion of queer Gaelic literature in our friendly queer archive.
Booking in advance is essential as places are limited so, if you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer your place to someone else.
Venue & Accessibility
The event is at the archive in Edinburgh Palette. Information on how to get to us on public transport and by car is here, along with access information: https://lavendermenace.org.uk/how-to-find-us-accessibility-information
Any other questions
Please email us: themenaces@lavendermenace.org.uk
This event is part-funded by The Gaelic Books Council